Wednesday, October 29, 2008

November's Calendar

First off... We are collecting Big Old T-Shirts for the kids to wear on days that we paint. If you could send one with your child to keep at school, or donate more than one that would be fabulous. I am accepting the T-shirts as soon as possible.

Tuesday November 4th
A.M. Star - Perla
P.M. Star - Dallin
Introduce Letter Tt (activities and writing practice)
Make Turkeys

Wednesday November 5th
A.M. Star - Sydnee
P.M. Star - Isaiah
All about BROWN

Thursday November 6th
A.M. Star - Timmy
P.M. Star - Parker
Make a Tree
Prewriting Page
Show and Tell - You MUST bring something that begins with the letter "T"

Tuesday November 11th
A.M. Star - Amelia
P.M. Star - Coraley
Intoduce Letter Pp (activities and writing practice)
Make Puppets
Possible Field Trip to the Santaquin Library - Watch for Further Information

Wednesday November 12th
A.M. Star - Kinsley
P.M. Star - Jorden
All About Gray
Finally Make Catepillars!!!

Thursday November 13th
A.M. Star - Asia
P.M. Star - Jakell
Introduce #3 (activities and writing practice)
Practice Tt and Pp

Tuesday November 18th
A.M. Star - Hale
P.M. Star - Emily Mitchell
Introduce Letter Ii (activities and writing practice)
Make Indian Masks
Work on Manners/Shapes

Wednesday November 19th
A.M. Star - Lincoln
P.M. Star - Jaden
Make "Shapes" Book
Work on All About Me Books

Thursday November 20th
A.M. Star - Savannah
P.M. Star - Katlyn
Review Manners
Review ALL Colors
All About Me Books

Tuesday November 25th
A.M. Class - Meet from 10:30 - 12:00
P.M. Class - Meet from 12:30 - 2:00
I will be having a sign up sheet for Thanksgiving dinner items posted on the garage door. We will then have dinner that day as a class and be practicing our manners. Any parent who wants to help that day with getting the food out and prepared is more than welcome to.

Wednesday November 26th
NO SCHOOL - P/C Comp Day

Thursday November 27th
Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Last Wednesday was Pajama Day. We all had a great time getting to hang out in our P.J.'s at school. We were wearing Princess pajamas, Doggy pajamas, Spiderman and Batman pajamas, Dora, Kitty Cat, and Army Pajamas. There were pink, green, orange, white, black and blue pajamas. It sure was a fun and relaxed day at school!!!

A.M. Class

Getting all these silly kids to cooperate for a picture is fun in itself. L-R ~ Savannah, Amelia, Sydnee, Lincoln, Timmy, Kinsley, Perla, Hale, and Damon.

P.M. Class

What a bunch of cute goofballs! L-R Top ~ Katlyn, Jakell, Emily M., Clara, Jaden, Jorden, Emily S., Bottom ~ D., Coraley, and Isaiah.

Tell me these aren't the two cutest groups of kids you have ever seen!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


On October 9th, our preschool took a field trip to the local Smith's Food and Drug to learn about nutrition and to get a tour of the store. Linda Orr was so kind as to take us around the store, show us everything, and answer any of our questions. We learned that broccoli is the most healthy thing a person can eat. We also learned that it is extremely important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables everyday. We got to go see where they cut the meat, which is very smelly. We saw where they unload the trucks at night, and where the seafood is put. We learned that catching crab is a very dangerous job. In the end, we got to go to the bakery, see the ovens, and get a cookie. What a fun day. Thanks to all that helped!
A.M. Class

P.M. Class

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Parents, just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow (10/16) due to Fall Break for Nebo School District. Also, when we return to school next Tuesday (10/21), we will be taking our field trip to the South Ridge Farms Pumpkin Patch. ANY parent is more than welcome to come along on this field trip. I do still need some parents to come along as drivers and chaperones, but anyone extra who would like to attend is more than welcome. If you would like to come on Tuesday but have small children of your own that you would need to bring, all I ask is that you pay for your extra child. I will cover the cost of all preschool children to go on the hayride. If you would like your child picking out a pumpkin, you will need to pay for that. I was told the most average price was $5. If you are interested in coming or helping on Tuesday the 21st please call me at 754-1380. Class will meet at normal time. The A.M. class will leave for the pumpkin patch at 9:45 and the P.M. class will leave at 1:45.

Thanks so much!!

~Kirstin Anderson

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Parents: We are having a little bit of a problem with students being dropped off excessively early, and then being picked up excessively late. I understand that all of your time is valuable as mine is too. I have a baby that I have to drop off and pick up from a babysitter during preschool. I cannot have kids here early, as I have to leave to drop off my daughter, and I also need children picked up on time as I need to go pick up my daughter. If I am waiting here with preschool kids that didn't get picked up, I am paying my babysitter extra for the extra time she is tending my daughter. Please try to not drop off your own children any more than 5 minutes before school starts. I also need parents to pick up preschool children no later than 10 minutes after school let's out (unless previous arrangements have been made.) I will have to start charging an extra $10 that needs to be paid immediately if picking up your child 15 or more minutes after school lets out. If it goes into the next hour $25 will be charged. This is to pay for my extra childcare costs and my time. In return, I promise to always be to the school on time, with the door open for the preschoolers to come on in. I will provide a two hour block of fun and educational learning, and we will be sure to be on time outside for waiting parents! Thanks for letting me bring this to attention. I appreciate everyone's cooperation!

Field Trip for October 9, 2008...

Just a reminder, we will be going on a field trip to Smith's Food and Drug in Payson Tomorrow, 10/9/08. We will be learning about nutrition, and getting a tour of each department. Any parents are welcome to come. Please let me know if you would like to help! Notes are coming home with your students today with details! Parents can bring their other children on this field trip if needed. We are also going on a field trip on October 21st to South Ridge Farms to the Pumpkin Patch. I will also need parent volunteers to chaperone and drive for that field trip. That is a field trip that I pay for and had to pre-notify the Farms of, so I can only have 4 parent's per morning, and 4 for afternoon come along. We also cannot have parents bringing their other children on that field trip! Please let me know if you would like to help with that one. Thanks.

~Kirstin Anderson

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Field Trip to the Fire Station - P.M. Class

On September 25th we went on our first Preschool field trip. We were able to go to Santaquin's local Police and Fire Department. We had a great tour guide who used to be a fire fighter himself. We were able to go into the firetrucks and look around, see the Jaws of Life, try on some gear, and take a walk through the police department. Everyone had a great time. Here are some of the highlights...

Top - D.S., Mrs. Kirstin, Parker, Bottom - Michelle (Coraley's mom), Coraley, Hale, Jaden, Emily M. Isaiah, Clara, Jakell, Jorden, and Emily S.

The kids watching Lee show them all of the buttons and knobs on the side of a firetruck.

Coraley trying on the oversized, heavy helmet.
Lee showing the kids the insides of an ambulance.
Jorden wearing a firefighter's jacket. A perfect fit!
Jaden is one excited little boy trying on all of the gear!
Hale looks handsome as a firefighter.
The firestation made Clara quite nervous. She was willing to try on the jacket, but feared for a fire.
D couldn't be happier than to be the youngest guy on the squad.
Yet he always had his ears covered for fear the siren could blow at any minute.
Photogenic Jaden and Jakell inside of the firetruck.
Emily S., Emily M., and Mrs. Kirstin checking out what it would be like to drive the firetruck around town. Isaiah is one serious firefighter. He means Business!

Field Trip to the Fire Station - A.M. Class

On September 25th we went on our first field trip to the Fire and Police station. A retired Firefighter gave us the tour. We were able to crawl in the fire trucks to look around, try on the uniforms, and check out the Jaws of Life. Unfortunately they didn't allow any horns or sirens to be blown in the fire station. It was still a fun trip as a class. Here are some of the highlights...Timmy, Mrs. Kirstin, Katlyn, Lincoln, Sydnee, Asia, Perla, Savannah, Damon and Kinsley lined up outside of a fire truck.
Damon wearing the very heavy Fireman's Jacket.... (Resistant up to 800 degrees.)
Amelia all smiles with a helmet on.
Sydnee isn't so sure about life being a firefighter.
What it looks like on the inside.... (A firetruck.)
The class in the truck, and mother helper, Michelle.
The kids listening intently to Lee, our tourguide.
The jacket drowns Lincoln, but he is excited to be wearing it nonetheless!
Hmmm....Savannah wonders if she is going to have to rush to put out a fire. Perla came equipped with her own firefighter helmet the day of the fieldtrip, but was so ecstatic to get to put on a 'real' one.
Timmy got nervous to pose for the picture, but had a blast pretending to be a firefighter.